Saturday, December 10, 2011

Pedro Martinez to Retire


December 8, 2011
Kevin Bond

“If Sandy Koufax has the left arm of God, then Pedro Martinez has the right.”

Pedro Martinez, who at his peak was debatably one of the most preeminent pitchers in the game, has announced Saturday that his intentions are to make his retirement plan official. Pedro, a three-time Cy Young Award winner, is now 40. He had never officially left the game of baseball, leaving the door open on a potential return after his last Major League outing, which was in Game 6 of the 2009 World Series with the Phillies. According to the media, Martinez had made a statement saying: "I'm going to [officially announce it], I'm going to do it," Martinez said. "But I want to throw a party too. I want to make it part of every place that I'm going to be remembered and loved by the fans. I'm going to start by doing something in the Dominican, officially signing the papers, probably coming back to Boston and getting something going with you guys." Now not being a Boston Red Sox fan I can’t say I like Pedro Martinez as a baseball player, but I have to respect him. He has done much for the organazation over time and the retirement of him, whether a Red Sox fan or not, is a big deal. Pedro said he would have made this statement during the course of November, but unfortunately his wife had become sick. Personally I agree with Pedro’s decision. The man is now 40 years old and I believe he no longer has a part in the game of baseball. He has contributed many things to the game and its rivalries but I strongly believe Pedro is too old, and does not have the control and skill he once had. Although the retirement isn’t official yet, I assure you ladies and gentlemen it will be very soon.
Keeping you up to date and on behalf of Baseball Talk 101, Kevin Bond.


  1. Very interesting article i enjoy your work and i too believe that it is time for pedro to retire, well written

  2. agreeedd well written, and being a red sox fan I can even agree its time to retire, looking foward to more articles!

  3. yeahh agreedd, pedro's done...the man really has nothing elsee to like to give some critisism but everything i wanted is here...on other sites theyd have more quoutes but good job man

  4. yeaahh dude he shuda reitred last yearr, nicee peice

  5. wow! alot of comments kbond! good job, little more insight next time i want to hear more of your opinion you had the basics though, and i agree i dont think anybody thinks pedro should stay....he made his contribution but he is done

  6. yeahh make it official mart...ya done fo!

  7. yeaaa hes done. i never liked him anywaaay...

  8. i hate him..and schilling. but hey like he said gotta repsect the athletic achievements right...?
